

Ascariasis can be an infection in the small intestines or the lungs. It is caused by consuming eggs of Ascaris Lumbricoides, a species of round worms. It isn’t common in the US, but occurs more frequently in areas with poor sanitation habits.

A. Lumbricoides are a species of round worms.

Facts about Ascariasis:

Formal binomial name of microbe: Ascaris Lumbricoides
Gram stain (gram positive, gram negative or neither): Neither
Is the microbe mobile or immobile? Mobile
Primary habitat? (Where is the organism normally found or prefer to live?) Lungs, Intestines, Throat
Can the organism infect humans? Yes
Can the organism infect other species? If so, which ones. Mammals, Avians
Documented cases of antimicrobial resistance? Yes
Number of infections per year in the US Over 1 billion
Number of infections per year in the world 1.2 billion

Common symptoms of Ascariasis in the lungs are: Coughing/gagging, wheezing, shortness of breathe, bloody mucus, chest pain, and fever. In the intestines common symptoms are: Loss of appetite, weight loss, diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea. The life cycle of Ascariasis begins when an egg is swallowed and hatched in the intestines. Then, the larvae move through the bloodstream and find the lungs. Once the larvae mature it leaves the lungs and goes to the throat. Once it’s in your throat you will either cough it up or swallow it again, if you swallow it it goes back to your intestines and mates, lays more eggs, and the cycle continues.

Here is an image of Ascariasis larvae.

Articles related to Ascariasis:

  • A Woman had Stomach Pains for Ten Years. The Reason Why was Ten Feet Long

For several years a woman complained of her abdominal pain and went to several doctors. The worm wasn’t found by any of these doctors until the last doctor opened her up and found a one foot worm. The woman and doctors believe she consumed an egg by drinking contaminated water.

  • Surgeons Pull Dozens of “WRITHING” Parasitic Worms from Boy’s Tummy after he Became Constipated.

After three days of serious stomach pain, vomiting, and constipation this four year old mom took her son to the doctor. After multiple tests the doctor’s diagnosed him with Ascariasis. The doctors had to give the boy multiple nutrients to help with his constipation before they were able to operate. Once the doctor’s were able to operate when they opened the boy up there were dozens of parasitic worms in his stomach, after the operation he had to stay for several weeks so the doctors could make sure the infection would not return.

  • Cows and Pigs are Great Livestock, but they can also make you really Sick

In Maine, a doctor is very concerned with farmers and their livestock. There are thousands of possible parasites that can live on and inside livestock and can share their parasites with those who work around them. The best way to avoid these infections is to wash your hands when you’re done interacting with the animals and cleaning and disinfecting areas the animals have come in contact with.




  • Anon, (2019). CDC – Ascariasis. [online] Available at:
  • Piggott, J., Hansbarger, E.A. and Neafie, R.C. (1970). Human Ascariasis. American Journal of Clinical Pathology, [online] 53(2), pp.223–234. Available at: [Accessed 18 Jul. 2019].
  • The Healthline Editorial Team (2015). Ascariasis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments. [online] Healthline. Available at: [Accessed 18 Jul. 2019].