

Impetigo is a bacterial infection that affects the skin. Usually it presents with yellow like crusts on the face, arms or legs. These lesions can be painful or itchy. Impetigo is typically due to either Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus pyogenes.

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Fact Table:

Formal binomial name of microbe: Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus pyogenes
Gram Stain (negative, positive, or neither) Gram positive
Is the microbe mobile or immobile? Mobile
Primary Habitat? Humans
Can the organism infect humans? Yes.
Can the organism infect other species? They can be carried by animals and passed to humans but this is rare.
Documented cases of antimicrobial resistance?  Some resistance reported using erythromycin are rising.
Number of infections per year in the US N/A
Number of infections per year in the world 111 million

Signs and Symptoms:

Impetigo most often begins as a red sore near the nose or mouth which eventually breaks, leaking pus or fluid and forms a honey colored scab. Sores are not usually painful but can become itchy. Touching or scratching the sores may easily lead to the spread of infection to other parts of the body. List of Symptoms

How is it diagnosed?

Impetigo is usually diagnosed based on its appearance. Most often physicians describe it as “honey-colored scabs.” If the visual diagnosis is unclear a culture may be done to test for the resistant bacteria.

How can I prevent Impetigo?

If already infected, it is best to try and keep the scabs clean and covered to help prevent the spread of the infection to other areas of the body and to other people. Also, to avoid physical contact with other people until the infection has cleared.


Antibiotics, either cream or oral medication is usually prescribed. Most mild cases are just treated with mupirocin ointments. In children, a 7 day antibiotics are prescribed to clear infection. Treatment Options

What does Impetigo look like?

Image result for impetigo     See the source image     See the source image

Newspaper Articles: – This article is a basic overview of Impetigo and how it is caused, treated and diagnosed. How it affects children mostly and some adults. – This article also is another overview but also goes into depth of the complications impetigo can entail. – This article is about Impetigo being on the rise in Hawaii and how it is affecting the Hawaiian children.



“Prevalence of Impetigo”; Medscape;

“Impetigo Symptoms”; WebMD; 

“Impetigo Causes”; Simply Health;