Zainab Abdullah


Lynch syndrome is a genetic disorder that can rarely happen in people of different ages. People who have Lynch syndrome can be at risk of getting a center type of cancer mainly cancer that occurs in the colon. Lynch syndrome can be so serious and can cause serious side effects that the patient needs to worry about. This syndrome is diagnosed that about a 50% chance that a newborn child will get the syndrome because the mutation can pass it from the parent to the child. The Lynch syndrome can make health complications get worse with time.

Lynch syndrome’s most common side effects are stomach pain, constipation, anemia, and fatigue. These side effects can highly tell the patient that something is wrong and that they need to seek medical attention. A person who has Lynch syndrome is at a very high risk of getting colorectal cancer and different kinds of cancers as well endometrial cancer, stomach cancer, and ovarian cancer. Lynch syndrome can also cause internal bleeding in the gut, and it can also cause significant weight loss. Lynch syndrome is able to form more than one cancer at the same time which can make symptoms double up for the patient and it will be harder to treat as the doctors will have to deal with two different kinds of cancer and each cancer type requires different treatments.

Lynch syndrome is hard to get rid of because it is a kind of sickness that has no specific cure. Although the cancers that are caused by Lynch syndrome can be treated like any normal cancer but the syndrome itself does not have treatment. The only thing to help or probably help treat Lynch syndrome is removing polyps. The medication that can be used to help a patient not get or probably lower the risk of the patient to colon cancer is using aspirin every day for about two years. Other than these treatments, it is hard to find other treatments.

This image shows what the Lynch syndrome can develop. The image shows the removal process of the polyps. Part D of the image shows where can Lynch syndrome occur.

This image shows an explanation of how Lynch syndrome is passed down from one person to the child. This image also explains the process of how Lynch syndrome passes through the body and creates colon cancer.

This image is a clear scope of the colon that clearly shows how the Lynch syndrome is affecting the colon slowly. This image also tells us that a lot to most of the colon is completely affected by cancer caused by Lynch syndrome.


The article name is cure today

This article explains the challenges that a person who is diagnosed with Lynch syndrome experiences and how tough is their daily lives. This article tells a real-life experience of someone explaining their life with the syndrome.

The article name is Gastroenterology Endoscopy News

This article mentions that in order to diagnose that the patient has Lynch syndrome. They also mention that 3% to 5% of someone develops gastrointestinal cancers.

The article name is Free think

This article talks about the different vaccines that could be done to help reduce Lynch syndrome. They said that the mRNA vaccines are common and are used for Lynch syndrome.



Cure today

Free think