Malaria parasite P. vivax

Malaria parasite P. vivax (Malaria)

P. ovale, P. malariae, P. falciparum are some other forms of this parasite as well.


Fact Table Information:
Formal binomial name of microbe: Malaria parasite P. vivax
Gram stain (gram positive, gram negative or neither): Neither since Malaria are parasites.
Is the microbe mobile or immobile? Immobile because it has to infect your young red blood cells to move around in your body.
Primary habitat? (Where is the organism normally found or prefer to live?) Humans are the vectors, while mosquitos are the hosts.
Can the organism infect humans? Yes
Can the organism infect other species? If so, which ones. No.
Documented cases of antimicrobial resistance? First Documented cases was in 2001, and 2013 they found a cause for one of the resistances.
Number of infections per year in the US No cases in the US since 2014.
Number of infections per year in the world 2017 there was an estimated 219 million cases in 87 countries