Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)

Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS):

What is Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) is beta-coronavirus genetically related to SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) coronavirus.

MERS is a viral respiratory illness that first emerged from Arabian Peninsula.

It does not transmit from person to person

Fact Table: Information:
Formal binomial name of microbe: MERS-Coronavirus
Gram stain (gram positive, gram negative or neither): Neither
Is the microbe mobile or immobile? It is mobile.
Primary habitat? (Where is the organism normally found or prefer to live?) It came from bats and camels.
Can the organism infect humans? It is unknown but suspected saliva and fomites.
Can the organism infect other species? If so, which ones. Bats and Camel
Documented cases of antimicrobial resistance? No documented resistances because it is still pretty new.
Number of infections per year in the US 2014: 2 cases
Number of infections per year in the world 2019: 2264 cases