
Ascariasis Ascariasis can be an infection in the small intestines or the lungs. It is caused by consuming eggs of Ascaris Lumbricoides, a species of round worms. It isn’t common in the US, but occurs more frequently in areas with poor sanitation habits. Facts about Ascariasis: Formal binomial name of microbe: Ascaris Lumbricoides Gram stain …

Pork Tapeworm

Pork Tapeworm Pork tapeworm is an intestinal infection with adult tapeworms. Humans get this infection from eating undercooked meat or not washing their hands properly while preparing pork. Pork tapeworm can cause mild gastrointestinal issues or cause contractions of the smooth muscle in your intestinal tract, called Gastrointestinal Motility.  Fact Table: Formal binomial name of …