Pubic Lice 1

Pubic Lice


Pubic lice also known as crabs, is an insect that is usually found in pubic hairs. Pubic lice is most commonly spread through sexual contact, and they feed exclusively on blood. Crabs can also be contracted by being physically close with someone, sharing clothes, towels, or linens. People who are diagnosed with pubic lice commonly experience itching, inflammation (caused by the scratching), black powder in the underwear, blue spots or small spots on skin caused by blood in thighs or lower abdomen. these are the physical differences in pubic lice and head lice.Pubic louse are different than the louse found on peoples hair (in peoples hair), and different than the ones found on other parts of the body as well.


Pubic lice is a super small bug, you can usually see the lice by just looking closely.lice up close and personal Pubic lice are grey or tannish gray and look like little crabs hence the other name of the disease “crabs”. The lice gets darker after they are full of blood . Pubic lice can leave their eggs in clumps and are called nits,  at the shaft of the pubic hairs and can be yellow, white, or pearly. It is really rare for pubic lice to get to the top of the head.

Pubic lice tends to be on parts of the body where there is thick coarse hair so pubic lice can also be found in the armpits, chest, legs, beard or mustache, and also eyelashes or eyebrows (which is more common for children). lice located on eye lidsPubic lice is spread through sexual contact and is most commonly found in adults, pubic lice found on children’s private area may be a sign of sexual abuse. People who are more likely to have sexual diseases are often the most common to have pubic lice. The symptoms of pubic lice show up about 5 days after you get them, but some people may not have any symptoms or think the symptoms are from something else.

Pubic lice can be treated with a louse-killing lotion or gel. You can not find the treatment for pubic lice over the counter. A pubic lice infestation can sometimes cause discolored skin where the lice has been feasting repeatedly, secondary infections such as if the lice had caused you to scratch your skin until it was raw it could cause an infection, and also eye irritation children or grown ups who contract pubic lice on the eyelids may develop conjunctivitis (pink eye).

The only way to prevent yourself or someone else from getting pubic lice is by not having sexual contact with someone with the disease and being careful who you share your clothes bedding and towels with.

News articles

“What are pubic lice? (crabs)”

This website in particular breaks down what lice is the symptoms and how to come up with the diagnosis. This article states that any bedding or towels that have come in contact with pubic lice or a person that may have be infested with pubic lice should be washed and and dried at the highest heat setting to kill off the bugs. It also acknowledges the medications and how to use them since they all have similar steps to treat pubic lice.

“Endangered species ? Bikini waxes wiping out pubic lice” 

This news article is particularly about bikini waxes and other hair removals, that are destroying the habitats for the pubic lice. Hair removal treatments are making pubic lice an endangered species. It also states that pubic lice was first contracted from gorillas 3 million years ago and was not from human sex I thought so too… it was from sleeping in the gorillas nests or eating apes.

“lousy science behind waxing lice debate”

this article is about how the science behind waxing and how it is pushing the insect to extinction. A doctor whose name was stated as Dr. Jennifer Ashton says that her patients rarely have pubic lice and she believe it is because 90% of her patients are waxed or have gotten laser hair removal.



“Pubic Lice (crabs)”

“what are the symptoms and signs of pubic lice (crabs)?”

“what are pubic lice (crabs)”

“Endangered Species? Bikini Waxes Wiping Out Pubic Lice”

“lousy science behind waxing, lice debate”